
Advanced Power Electronics

My Role

Subject leader (Fall 2023, PolyU)

  1. Deliver 3-hour lectures per week and supervise 3-hour laboratory sessions.
  2. Create lecture materials, laboratory materials, assignments, in-class questions.
  3. Design and mark the mid-term test and final exam papers.

Course Content

  1. Basic switched-modeDC/DC topologies, operation, performance and modeling
  2. Resonant converter and itsmethod of loss reduction.
  3. Switched mode techniques to inverters (DC/AC converters).
  4. Power electronics circuit simulation.
  5. Impact of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the reduction of EMI using power electronicstechniques.


  1. Assignment: 10% (home work)
  2. Short test: 15% (Two 30-45 mins in-class short tests)
  3. Lab Report: 15% (1 lab report)
  4. Examination: 60% (One three-hour examination)